Chad and Evan

It’s only April 17 and this may be the most messed up thing all year

It’s only April 17 and this may be the most messed up thing all year

Apr 17, 2024 | 7:00am
We all know the world is a messed up place. Then you come across a story like this and realize it’s far worse than we ever expected! A woman in Rio de Janeiro used her deceased Uncle’s body to try ad get a loan. Sure, I could give you more details, but just reading that […]
What Exactly Is The Spring Equinox?

What Exactly Is The Spring Equinox?

Mar 19, 2024 | 7:31am
What’s the Spring Equinox? The Spring Equinox marks the beginning of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s the day when day and night are almost equal in length. In simpler terms, it’s like the Earth hitting a balance point in its yearly journey around the sun. Why Does It Happen? To understand the Spring Equinox, […]
Just Hire Painters

Just Hire Painters

Feb 28, 2024 | 6:49am
Who am I? Michelangelo? Why am I climbing up and down a ladder painting my house? Some find the act of painting walls relaxing. Soothing even. Not me. It’s a miserably stressful experience. It takes longer to set up and clean up than it does to do the actual painting. I just can’t do it. […]
Travel and save money

Travel and save money

Feb 23, 2024 | 8:34am
Look, if you’re planning on traveling this summer, you might as well save some money! The best place to do that is with the Better You Harvard Media Auction. A great family getaway is Heritage Park! If you’re heading west, you might as well save some money on the family vacation and grab a membership! […]
2023 Halloween Howl

2023 Halloween Howl

Nov 1, 2023 | 5:34pm
Thanks for coming out to the Halloween Howl at the Casino Regina Show Lounge this year! Nick Faye and the Deputies kicked off the night and the Watchmen absolutely lit the place up. Check out all the pictures and videos on our Instagram:

Farmers Almanac Predicts Cold Winter. Shocker!

Aug 31, 2023 | 6:10am
The Old Farmers Almanac is calling for a cold and snowy winter on the prairies. We can also expect the coldest weeks to be the last week of December and the first week of January. Who predicted this? Captain Obvious? In better news, we can expect another hot summer next year. Which is good. Because […]

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