Christmas time is always a popular time for fragrances. They make great gifts and stocking stuffers. Bet let’s face it…they’re expensive. This could lead you into some shady alley or website to buy a cheap black market knock-off. In the end, you may save money. But, you could be spritzing human urine all over yourself.

“Experts” are warning that traces of human urine have been found in several samples of counterfeit fragrances. Of course, that comes with all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms.
Here you are…trying to spiff yourself up for a night out. Or, your hungover, smell like butt, and you are just spraying it on to disguise the smell. All of the sudden, boom….piss. I don’t know about you…and I’m not here to judge…but that doesn’t sound like a great time. LISTEN HERE!!!! I don’t need big perfume telling me when and where I can smell like piss. I’ll do that myself. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
Talk about eau de toillette! AMIRITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!