Let’s face it. We’ve all been there. The first major storm hits and we’re caught without a snowbrush. Defrost can only do so much, and fuel ain’t cheap. We’re not going to let our cars run forever. So, what do we do? You could drive off with a little face size hole scraped out on your windshield and risk the po-po writing you up. OR you could utilize one of my handy tips!

- Find a broom.- Any broom will do. Push broom. Whatever you have nearby. Hell, use the dustpan. A broom is actually great for getting the roof too.
- Your gloves.- Just swing your arms wildly and try and clear the windshield off. Unless your Shaquille O’Neal, it’s highly unlikely you’ll get the roof. But to hell with it. That’s a problem for the people behind you. (Although it’s still illegal.)
- A Hot Bag Of Water- You’ll see stupid videos of idiots filling ziploc bags with hot water and dragging them across their windshield to melt all the ice off. This is made by Americans or people in BC. It’s stupid and it doesn’t work. It also looks like you’re teabagging your car.
- Your Sleeve- This is a classic. I use it all the time. Bonus points if you do it without gloves. Just tuck your hand into your sleeve and give’er.
- A Dance Mix ’95 CD Case- This was more of a go to in the 90’s and early 2000’s. Most people don’t have CD’s anymore. However, if you do, congratulations. I’m guessing you sport an unironic moustache and Starter Jacket.
- A Credit Card- Let’s face it, the way the economy is nowadays you might as well. Your credit is shot and maxed out anyway.
- An Actual Snowbrush-Yeah, if you’re a nerd.