It was 44 years ago that a 45 foot sperm whale washed up on the shores of Florence, Oregon. The locals were baffled as to what to do with the giant beast. Do they drag it back into the sea? Well, it’s likely to wash back up onto the beach again. Do they just leave it? The sight and smell are sure to chase tourists away. They decided to load it up with dynamite and explode it.

If you have half a brain, I’m sure you’ve figure out…that didn’t go as planned. The whale guts and blubber showered nearby onlookers and demolished cars in a nearby parking lot. The smell was also apparently very unpleasant. It did however lead to what some are calling the first viral new story.
This has all culminated in “Exploding Whale Month” in Oregon. The state has also made an official “Exploding Whale Day” on November 12th. There’s even been a petition circulating to find another whale and blow it up. No word as to whether it’s going to happen.