It just is. This is not one of those “respect the veterans and don’t decorate until after November 11th” posts either. Although, I do personally believe that. Can we just not do the Christmas thing yet? We just got done Halloween for God’s sake.

Celebrating Christmas now is the same as putting up Halloween decorations in August. It’s just too soon. Corporations will do their best to pummel your eyes and ears with ads asking you to buy the love of your children soon enough. We don’t need to do it to each other yet.
It just seems weird driving along and seeing Christmas lights up already. The lack of snow doesn’t help I suppose. But when I see lights up I think to myself “That person needs shit to do.”. Really though. Find a hobby. Christmas is not a hobby.
Also, I implore businesses to stop playing Christmas music this early. I should be hearing “Rosanna” by Toto in the grocery store. Not “Last Christmas” by WHAM! I went into a business on Friday and heard sleigh bells over the speakers. It just too soon. Again, do you hear “Monster Mash” at the end of August. No. And if you did, you’d think the person playing it is a crazy person.
Call me the Grinch. Call me Scrooge. I don’t care. But I’m right.