It reads like a Joe Dirt bed time story. A man ordered a rare edition of a Camaro IROC in 1989. A 1990 Z28 1LE Camaro He picked it up from the dealership, transported it on a flatbed to his attorney’s basement, and left it there for 34 years.

The owner died, leaving all of the items in storage to his niece. When she peeled back the cover, a perfectly mint camaro was revealed. Original EVERYTHING. Tires, belts, it even still had the dealer mats. All paperwork and manuals were still in the console. There was still air in the tires! Book shelves were moved and the car was rolled down a hallway and out into the sunlight for the first time since January 1990. After some light restoration (time still has it’s affect), it’s back on the road. Or flatbed. Purchased by a collector and touring the country with it’s original 6 miles. Wild!