You can’t replace Chester Bennington. The fans know that. More importantly, the bandmates left to pick up the pieces know that.

Whenever a deceased lead singer is “replaced” by another artist, fans start a giant “who’s traumatized more?” contest. “I was the world’s biggest (fill in the blank on the new lead singer) fan!! How dare they think they can go on without them?”. I hate to break it to you, but fans don’t get a vote. You bought some albums and merch. Maybe some concert tickets. That’s great. But the band members dedicated their lives to that band.
So what are band members supposed to do? Just throw it all away? That hardly seems fair. They have families to feed. They have artistic needs. They’re supposed to throw all of that aside because of your image of what the band used to be? Bullshit. Flat out bullshit. If you don’t like the new version of a group, don’t listen. Period.
I for one, didn’t actually like the Chester Bennington version of Stone Temple Pilots. To me, STP will always be a Scott Weiland fronted group. Did I piss and moan about it? Well…yeah. Kinda. But I got over it quick when I realized it’s not my decision to make. It’s also really easy to support the old version of the group and ignore the new stuff.

I like the choice of Emily Armstrong. It takes the group in a new direction while putting a new twist on old stuff. Making a clear effort not to duplicate Bennington. Leaving his legacy alone. But yet, some fans don’t see it that way. Armstrong has seen attacks from all sorts of LP “fans” over her Scientology background and her short lived defense of convicted rapist and fellow Scientologist Danny Masterson of “That 70’s Show” fame. First off, I don’t know and don’t care about the religion of any artists I listen to. AT ALL! The people that complain about Scientologists are usually the first to scream discrimination as well. Secondly, her defense of Masterson (which she admitted to) was short lived as she said she quit supporting him through the trial and does not condone what he did in any way.
Just give her a chance. Or don’t. Because that’s the only choice you truly get in the matter. You don’t need to judge on religion. If you say you don’t like her sound…perfect. That is a legit reason to not support an act. And if you don’t think they should carry on with the Linkin Park name…tough. You don’t get a say.