Jack O’ Lanterns covered in snow. It should never happen. We live in Canada and we still haven’t adjusted Halloween to an earlier date. We all know that October 31st runs the risk of snow and cold, but yet we risk it for some reason.
Let’s just move it to early September for Gods sake. The weather is warmer. Kids are back in school so they can still have fun with other students. We’re all settled in from summer holidays and ready to hand out candy. The sun is up longer allowing more time for the young trick or treaters. And we wouldn’t have to ruin the kids costumes by trying to shoe horn a parka into the concept. “Let’s see….you could go as a bank robber with a balaclava.”.
The only arguments I hear are…”Halloween has always been on October 31st. Why change it?”. Why change anything? Because it’s better. That’s why!!! “But everybody else has it on October 31st”. So? We move Thanksgiving. We have it in October while the US has it in November. Nobody seems to have a problem with that. Just move it!!! -Chad